Garda con Gusto, Riva del Garda's food festival

Garda con Gusto, Riva del Garda's food festival

A full immersion of local specialities, authentic flavours and delicious aromas

Riva del Garda is ready to host three full days of local specialities, authentic flavours and delicious aromas promotion. During the first weekend of November, this lovely destination will be transformed into the perfect location where to enjoy a "sensory" experience, a mouth-watering voyage of discovery of local flavours, food markets, show cooking and tasting.

Last but not least, Garda con Gusto is not a traditional food festival devoted to "tasting", that is offering participants the chance to taste food they most likely have never tried before, but it is also a real food market where all products that have been tasted can be purchased and taken home.

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Claudia Astarita

Amo l'Asia in (quasi) tutte le sue sfaccettature, ecco perché cerco di trascorrerci più tempo possibile. Dopo aver lavorato per anni come ricercatrice a New Delhi e Hong Kong, per qualche anno osserverò l'Oriente dalla quella che è considerata essere la città più vivibile del mondo: Melbourne. Insegno Culture and Business Practice in Asia ad RMIT University,  Asia and the World a The University of Melbourne e mi occupo di India per il Centro Militare di Studi Strategici di Roma. Su Twitter mi trovate a @castaritaHK, via email a

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