"AllenaMenti" to develop new critical Italian minds
Italian high school students interviewing prominent reporters around the world
The Italian Permanent Observatory of Young Editors, leaded by Andrea Ceccherini, has launched the second edition of its project "AllenaMenti quotidiani: intervistando si impara". The initiative has involved 260 students from 24 schools of Piedmont and Aosta Valley.
Four schools have won this edition thanks to their studies in different areas of the world, including the United States, Europe, China and Israel.
AllenaMenti is the result of a long-lasting collaboration between high schools in Piedmont and Aosta Valley with prominent Italian newspapers, like Corriere della Sera, La Stampa and Il Sole 24 Ore. The aim of this connection was to make pupils under 18 years old familiar with the most debated themes on the global political agenda and to let them develop critical thinking.
Most interestingly, students had the chance to interview the reporters of all popular Italian newspapers above mentioned, operating in different areas. In particular, the journalists interviewed were Beda Romano (Bruxelles), Guido Santevecchi (Beijing), Paolo Mastrolilli (New York), Davide Frattini (Tel Aviv).
The core topics of the discussions touched several relevant themes, such as politics, the War on Terror, USA Foreign and Domestic Policy, the European Refugees Crisis, Palestinian War and Intifada. With regard to China, the hottest matters covered were related to culture, society and environment. A quite problematic area covered was also the birth-control policy, death penalty and organs smugglers within the Asiatic Giant's boundaries.
The project turned out to be a useful chance for Italian young students to increase their knowledge on the reporters' profession and on the areas covered.
The winning schools were the Technical School «Mario del Pozzo» in Cuneo, the «Leonardo Da Vinci» high school in Borgomanero, «Giorgio Spezia» in Domodossola and «Barletti-Vinci-Pascal» in Ovada.
AllenaMenti was also sponsored by CRT Foundation, a private non-profit body, active in six main areas, i.e. Arts, Culture, Research, Education, Welfare and Territory.
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