Meet the best Italian chefs at Borgo San Jacopo in Florence

Meet the best Italian chefs at Borgo San Jacopo in Florence

Spoon is a gourmand kermesse that will take place from April 2016 until January 2017

Once a month, the exclusive restaurant Borgo San Jacopo in Florence is hosting the stars of Italian Haute Cuisine. This big event is called Spoon, the gourmand kermesse taking place from April 2016 until January 2017, in a unique location characterized by fashion photos, glass wall mirrors and cinematographic-like lights.

As reminded by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the host, Peter Brunel, will have over some significant big names like Gaetano Trovato (Arnolfo Restaurant), Roy Caceres (Metamorfosi), Andrea Aprea (Vun), Norbert Niederkofler (St. Hubertus), Mauro Uliassi (from his own homonymous restaurant) and Marco Sacco (Il Piccolo Lago).

A spoon will be the only tool guests will have to taste the various dishes, from entrées to desserts. The famous Chefs will go through a process of reviving Italian traditional cuisine in a modern perspective, accompanied by creativity. Needless to say that only

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Claudia Astarita

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