The Melodic Magic of Christmas: A VANNER Twist on "All I Want For Christmas is You"

The Melodic Magic of Christmas: A VANNER Twist on "All I Want For Christmas is You"

TAEHWAN and GON have added a unique touch to one of the beloved classic carols as a gift to their fans

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, warmth, and the timeless tradition of Christmas carols that fill the air with festive cheer. This winter, the talented members of VANNER, TAEHWAN, and GON, have added their unique touch to the celebrations by recording their own version of the beloved classic, "All I Want For Christmas is You." Released on December 16, their enchanting cover is now available for everyone to enjoy on YouTube.

"All I Want For Christmas is You," originally performed by Mariah Carey, has become a quintessential part of the holiday soundtrack since its release in 1994. Its catchy melody and heartwarming lyrics have transcended generations, making it a staple during the festive season. The song's timeless appeal lies in its ability to capture the essence of Christmas, expressing the simple yet profound desire for love and togetherness.

TAEHWAN and GON's rendition of "All I Want For Christmas is You" showcases not only their vocal prowess but also their commitment to spreading joy through music. The cover breathes new life into the familiar tune, infusing it with VANNER's distinctive style and energy. The release of this cover aligns perfectly with the spirit of the season, where music becomes a unifying force, bringing people together in celebration.

In a world that often moves at a fast pace, the charm of Christmas carols, especially when reimagined by talented artists like VANNER, provides a nostalgic and comforting anchor. The power of music to evoke emotions and create lasting memories is evident in the enduring popularity of festive classics. As we embrace the holiday season, let the melodies of VANNER's "All I Want For Christmas is You" serve as a reminder of the magic that music brings to this special time of the year. catch up with them.

Last time we spoke was summer and scorching hot. How have you been?

TAEHWAN: We have successfully finished our fan concert and been busy preparing for our comeback album.

You choose to remake a Christmas song: why did you choose All I Want For Christmas is You?

TAEHWAN: We have an experience of singing ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ before debut and I remember our fans loving the song. So it was a great opportunity for us to remake the song and release it officially.

I like the rap part in the song, how was working on it?

GON: First of all, thank you for liking the rap part! It wasn’t easy work but I tried to rhyme the words and portray the message that would fit the song.

I know in Korea Christmas is celebrated in a very different way, but do you have any traditions you follow?

TAEHWAN: I decorate my room and listen to a bunch of Carols to make the Christmas vibe.

GON: I have dinner at home with my parents.

The lyrics say, “Make my wish come true, all I want for Christmas is you”. But what do you want for Christmas?

GON: I want to give enjoyment and strength to my fans as VANNERs becoming Santa.

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Marianna Baroli

Giornalista, autore

(Milano, 1986) La prima volta che ha detto «farò la giornalista» aveva solo 7 anni. Cresciuta tra i libri di Giurisprudenza, ha collaborato con il quotidiano Libero. Iperconnessa e ipersocial, è estremamente appassionata delle sfaccettature della cultura asiatica, di Giappone, dell'universo K-pop e di Hallyu wave. Dal 2020 è Honorary Reporter per il Ministero della Cultura Coreana. Si rilassa programmando viaggi, scoprendo hotel e ristoranti in giro per il mondo. Appena può salta da un parco Disney all'altro. Ha scritto un libro «La Corea dalla A alla Z», edito da Edizioni Nuova Cultura, e in collaborazione con il KOCIS (Ministero della Cultura Coreana) e l'Istituto Culturale Coreano in Italia.

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