Good team players
Social team building boosts organizational capabilities and leads to the discovery that teamwork ... works. For everyone.
by Manuela Falchero
Employee training in large companies and creating social solidarity projects - two worlds only apparently distant. Bringing them together is an idea of the Fedro Made in Team firm that has developed an innovative coaching approach. Its name - social team building - already says a lot.
It is a format that works on a number of different aspects, such as the ability to work in a group, leadership and communication, through activities that can bring real benefits to the community. As Bruno Benouski, partner and one of the founders of Fedro Made in Team, explains.
"Companies today are looking increasingly to link their strategies and success to sustainability. Social team building answers this need and its ability to pair in-house needs for company growth with actions that benefit society or the environment becomes even more invaluable if we take into account the current crisis. Without forgetting that this approach strengthens the relationship between business and the local community."
Just a theory? The Nissan example says otherwise. In fact, Fedro Made in Team has involved this car manufacturer in the construction of a playground for the Casa Famiglia Piccoli Passi in Rome, a home for young children and adolescents in need, and which for some time was looking for a play and sports area that could foster the integration of its young guests into the outside world.
So, the 200 employees of Nissan Italia, divided into teams composed of managers (including its AD Andrea Alessi) and office and warehouse employees, and with the help of Fedro Made in Team experts, created a park for the non-profit home's use.
An opportunity outside office hours that strengthened their ability to work as a group as well as relational and organizational skills, including in difficult situations. And which allowed them to consolidate brand value. All to the advantage - says the training firm - of professional performance.