Enel Smart Energy partner of Expo 2015
Rome, April 11th, 2012 - Enel will be present at Expo 2015 and will install some of the
latest state-of-the-art technologies in order to create a smart grid and a highly
innovative LED public lighting system.
Enel Distribuzione - a world leader in the sector thanks to the installation of 32 million
smart meters - has won the contract for bringing smart grids to the heart of Expo 2015.
Making a grid "smart" means making it capable of receiving the energy generated by
countless micro-plants powered by renewable sources which, given their intermittent and
somewhat unpredictable nature, need to be managed to maintain the balance between
power supply and demand. Smart grids are also capable of informing their users on what
kind, how much and how they are consuming, in order to help them choose the most
convenient solutions, favouring the development of electric mobility and high-efficiency
public lighting systems. All this requires the latest technologies, including innovative grid
management and monitoring systems, in addition to high-tech energy storage systems.
Visitors to Expo 2015 will be able to see for themselves how energy delivered and
controlled via the electricity grid by an integrated computerised system, has now been
transformed from a mere commodity into a value added service. They will be able to
experience, in real time, how all the Expo's energy sources are integrated and how the
generation mix works in synergy to power the exhibition as well as monitor consumption.
It will also be possible to see the control centre for a smart city in action with expert
technicians interacting with the equipment. The outside of the control centre will feature
state-of-the-art architecture that communicates through monitors displaying data and
information. Inside the control centre all the latest generation interactive control
technologies will be on display.
In the showroom set up by Enel, which will be linked to three control stations installed in
different parts of the Expo area and one e-mobility control station constituting the "brain"
of the system, visitors will learn how energy flows move around the Expo 2015 smart
grid. This journey starts with energy generated from renewable sources that then enters
the grid management system for distribution to public lighting and energy storage
systems, as well as electric vehicle recharge points.
The grid's "nervous system" will consist of seven master booths and 14 secondary
booths, with the same architectural style as the control centre, representing the grid
architecture. LED monitors will enable these booths to "speak" to the public, providing
information about the various roles and functions of parts of the system along with other
Electric mobility, one the pivotal features of smart grids, is a must for Expo 2015 and
Enel will install dozens of e-vehicle recharge points, all perfectly integrated with the
smart grid, at the service of both exhibitors and visitors.
Enel will also make a contribution to lighting the exhibition area with a huge network of
public lighting based on LED technology, to ensure that Expo 2015 is ecologically
sustainable with low environmental impact.
Enel will not be doing all this alone but will benefit from the support of a number of
partners, in particular Siemens, Enel's strategic partner for the smart grid technology for
Expo Milano 2015.
"Our partnership with Expo 2015 is a source of great pride for Enel, reaffirming the role
played by our company in the process of growth and development of our nation," stated
the Enel Group Chairman, Paolo Andrea Colombo. "a role that Enel has played
throughout its long history and with which we are marking our fiftieth birthday
celebration later this year and also on which we look back with pride at our past
achievements, spurring us on to think even more deeply about our energy future and
inspiring us to take a long-term view and provide effective responses to the challenges of
competitiveness, environmental sustainability and technological development. The
Universal Exposition is the perfect place for our vision for the future to become a reality.
This is why Enel wants to make the most of this partnership with Expo 2015, because it
gives us the opportunity to tell all the millions of visitors to the exhibition all about the
new "electric era" which, thanks to our newest technologies, is our contribution to the
planet and all its inhabitants".
"We are delighted" declared Giuseppe Sala, Managing Director of Expo 2015 SpA, "to
have Enel as our Smart Energy Partner for Expo Milano 2015. Having the support and
collaboration of Italy's largest electricity company makes us very proud. Enel's presence
means that we now have four of the world's leading companies as our partners. This
means that our plan to create a smart city which is both high-tech and eco-friendly is not
only up and running but is seen by the business world as a great opportunity. Thanks to
the smart grid and public lighting system to be installed by Enel," continued Giuseppe
Sala, "the Milan Universal Exposition will prove to be the ideal place for trialling new lowenvironmental-impact lighting systems. This is perfectly in line with one of the challenges launched by the Milan Expo 2015 theme. 'Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life' is not merely an invitation to arrive at a more equal distribution of food resources in the world, rather it provides an incentive to promote more sustainable food, environmental and urban planning development models, with the goal of ensuring a better quality of life and greater wellbeing for all".