BioInItaly 2013: the final round

BioInItaly 2013: the final round

Milan hosted the final event of the sixth edition of BioInItaly Investment Forum

The event is the last step of a yearlong investment arena, during which projects from Italian and European biotech entrepreneurs are selected and accompanied towards an Arena of final investors. The April 17-18 event was the first big reward for selected projects: here, selected biotech-entrepreneurs had the chance to discuss with top professional investors and to pitch to them their projects. Furthermore, some selected participants will take part at other Arena Meetings across the world, pitching their business plans in London, Frankfurt, Paris, San Francisco and New York.

The 2012/2013 edition saw medical devices grabbing the spotlight, with new proposals on regenerative medicine and bio-economy. Hosts from Intesa SanPaolo, the Venture Capital world and the biotech industry enriched the forum with their presence.

BioInItaly is the annual Italian investment forum that connects biotech entrepreneurs with potential investors, organised by Assobiotech and Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative. The aim of the programme is to give participating companies, start-ups and projects the chance to receive the additional knowledge, connections and access to the potential investors they need.  The focus is on Italian bio and nano-biotechnologies, but it is also open to participants from other European Countries.


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Ignazio Assenza