Francesca Lavazza introducing Inspiring Chefs: The 2014 Lavazza Calendar

Francesca Lavazza introducing Inspiring Chefs: The 2014 Lavazza Calendar

Lavazza calendars are a collection of precious jewels, a series of necklaces made up of unique, individual pieces

Francesca Lavazza describes the history of Lavazza calendars as a collection of precious jewels, a series of necklaces made up of unique, individual pieces.

Sharing the idea that photography is one of the most evocative means of communication, whose main values are authenticity and quality, the German photographer Martin Schoeller put into the 2014 edition a story of inspiration, emphasizing stories and habits of a group of internationally known master chefs: Carlo Cracco, Antonino Cannavacciuolo, Davide Oldani, Michel Bras, Massimo Bottura, Ferran and Albert Andrià.

The theme chosen for 2014 Lavazza calendar is gastronomy, and in particular top gastronomy, emphasizing the long lasting connections among Lavazza products and chefs.

As Francesca Lavazza points out, to create a dish many elements are needed, but is not always easy to put all of them together in the right way. With his pictures, Martin Schoeller obtained the best possible outcome, as he succeeded in always portraying chefs in dreamy, amused and ironic poses.

Carlo Cracco, Italy's ''Master Chef'' TV show host, is a falconer with a chicken poised on his left arm, holding an egg with his right hand, an a cup of Lavazza coffee with the left one. Antonino Cannavacciuolo, another TV star chef, is butchering fish fillets while a beautiful mermaid is sitting on his counter and drinking cup of coffee. Davide Oldani, instead, is portrayed while stirring a pot in the middle of a rice paddy where glamorous 1950s pin-up rice farmers work and drink coffee.

Michel Bras is enjoying his cup of Lavazza coffee in the middle of a luxuriant nature that completely captured him. Massimo Bottura, the Italian Michelin three-star chef, is portrayed in the middle of a library while stirring a boiling, dented copper pot with ancient instruments, like an alchemist. Next to him, an intriguing lady is reading and drinking. Ferran Andrià, instead, is shown as perching bubble around his head full of various ingredients, including seaweed and watermelon, while holding an espresso cup in his right hand. His brother, Albert, is portrayed as a tightrope walker.

As all these chefs can be considered pioneers of the new course of taste, they have all something to teach and tell. Lavazza asked them to become the protagonists of its calendar also to contribute spreading their passion for food creativity as well as their ideas on food culture.

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Claudia Astarita

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