Welcome to Eataly World

Welcome to Eataly World

The world's largest agri-food park just opened in Bologna

FICO Eataly World, the world's largest agri-food park was inaugurated in Bologna in November. The entry is free, and the new park offers a wonderful opportunity to experience the wonders of Italian biodiversity with its food & wine excellence.

Ham, cheese, pasta, pizza, rice, honey, sorbetto, confetti, candies, truffles, olive oil, wine, beer, chocolate, ice cream: the secrets of the most famous Italian culinary traditions will become accessible to park visitors.

To make the visit to the park unforgettable, the FICO team has decided to associate this unique culinary experience to art: beyond cooking master classes and dedicated  child-lab, visitors will have the chance to entertain themselves enjoing temporary art exhibitions and performances.

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Claudia Astarita

Amo l'Asia in (quasi) tutte le sue sfaccettature, ecco perché cerco di trascorrerci più tempo possibile. Dopo aver lavorato per anni come ricercatrice a New Delhi e Hong Kong, per qualche anno osserverò l'Oriente dalla quella che è considerata essere la città più vivibile del mondo: Melbourne. Insegno Culture and Business Practice in Asia ad RMIT University,  Asia and the World a The University of Melbourne e mi occupo di India per il Centro Militare di Studi Strategici di Roma. Su Twitter mi trovate a @castaritaHK, via email a astarita@graduate.hku.hk

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