A new startup to highlight Italian beauties
Localler aims at fostering a sustainable tourism advertising small places, accommodation and sites of interest not included in touristic guides
Localler is the new startup created in 2013 by two young Italians living in Barcelona, Spain. Everything started when the founders, Gianpaolo Vairo and Giulia Nidasio, were on holiday in Sicily in 2011. They realized the great number of small and charming touristic sites, which could not be adequately advertised not even on the Internet, when the word of mouth was ineffective. As a result, when they went back home (to Spain) they decided to create a platform of tourist services, avoiding the intermediation of great tour operators.
Today, Localler is active in Italy, Spain and Malta counting about a thousand clients. Furthermore, the company is ready to expand to France and Portugal by the end of this year.
The main aim of the young startup was defined by its CEO Giampaolo Vairo - 33 years old - as "fostering a sustainable tourism made up by small and medium companies that lack the adequate resources to do marketing on a large scale, regardless of their being hotels or bed & breakfast managers, touristic guides, excursions organizers and so on".
As a result, this smart invention will stand as an advantage for a number of actors, firstly for tourists. They will have the chance to discover unreachable artistic beauties, amazing gulfs and beaches or even isolated accommodations in beautiful and panoramic locations. Secondly, Localler will have a positive effect on companies involved since it works as a way to advertise the small business without the resources required to do so. Finally, the whole territory can enjoy the beneficial action of the platform in terms of an increase in tourism, money and significance not only within the regional/national context but also abroad.
The definitive version of the platform will be ready in a couple of weeks and this will enable the full activity. Services and prices of the several companies will be then available on the web.
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