Street Art & Charity at Cibus in Fabula

A few days before the opening of Cibus, Italy's most important gathering for food lovers and experts, 13 street art works will be displayed in Parma connecting together food, Made in Italy, art and charity.

The innovative exhibition curated by Felice Limosani opened at the end of April in Parma's Ospedale Vecchio, located in via d'Azeglio.

All 13 works show their interpretation of the idea of food, emphasizing shapes, colours, but also imaginations, paradoxes, connecting to goals: provoking people while praising the importance of food in our lives.

All works will be then sold on auction through the website, and all profits will be devolved to Oxfam Italy, the local branch of the famous Ngo. The online auction was opened on the 30th of April and will continue until the 20th of May.

All these paintings have already been on show at Expo Milan 2015, where they succeeded in transforming the Federalimentare-Fiere di Parma Pavillion in an enchanting walk through different forms of food experiences.

What makes this exhibition even more interesting is the fact that authors are not only Italian, rather they come from a various range of counties including Japan, Russia, Ireland, Spain, France and UK. According to the curator, our future is on young people's hands. To help them feeling the huge responsibility they have, it will be crucial to involve them in initiative supported by the communication media that the love, and art, and in particular street art, is one of them.

Limosani's exhibition is only one of the events included in the Cibus Fuorislone Kermesse "Cibus in Fabula". Piazza Garibaldi will host from May 7 to May 11 "Sorsi di natura", an interesting exhibition of "healthy juices" that visitors will be encouraged to taste.

Stradello San Nicolò, instead, will host a "food&mood" space where gourmet nights, foodwalking and creative tasting will be organized.