Rome ready to host the third edition of Maker Faire

Rome is getting ready to host the big international event, second only to Maker Faire in the US. There will be more than 600 stalls with more that 700 inventions carefully selected among the most brilliant ones. Moreover, the whole 15.000 m² area will host workshops and seminars held by the most important speakers in the innovation field, along with an area dedicated to children, provided with labs, "didactic Islands"  (teaching creative recycle) and other educational tools.

The "House of Drones" will be the big attraction of this year, which presents itself as a giant aviary where drones will exhibit and entertain with their performances. Also "Maker Music" is a fresh insertion in the event, fully devoted to music experimentations and live performances.

Organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Maker Faire has a quite busy program. Friday 16th October morning will be the Education Day, entirely devoted to schoolchildren from all over Italy. They are among the protagonists of the Faire thanks to the 30 innovative projects selected from students and displayed on the ad hoc stalls to celebrate the inventive potential of Italian students. From 2 pm of the same day, the Faire will open its doors to the great public until Sunday 18th, form 10 am until 6 pm.

Visitors will have the chance to admire new products of the innovative Made in Italy, such as 3D printed bijoux, smart bicycles and interactive mirrors with news, social networks and weather forecast. There will also be a big Food & Agriculture area with more than 40 stalls, presenting innovations concerning artisanal beer, cocktail robots and hydroponics.

La Sapienza University is fully involved in the event, with its faculties of Philosophy and Literature hosting exhibitions and parallel events. At the same time, the Physic Department will become an open lab promoting sustainable science.

Maker Faire seems an event not to miss for both inventors and innovation lovers where one could learn more and more about unthinkable but real and fresh creations.

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