a new gateway for Italian excellences in the world is the most important luxury flash sales online store in China. The platform is part of Alibaba group and it includes several prestigious Italian fashion brands including Versace, Dolce&Gabbana and Ferragamo. was recently presented in Milan Fashion Week to the most prominent Italian fashion companies as a privileged channel for sales on the Chinese market.

Not everybody knows that 30% of the world luxury consumptions already come from China and 8% of luxury products are bought online. Therefore, accessing an international platform like represents a great opportunity for all those Italian excellences willing to export without intermediaries.

China stands out as a suitable marketplace for the luxury fashion brands. Over the last few years, Chinese consumers have changed their preferences in favour of luxury goods. In fact, according to a recent survey, 91% of consumers interviewed is keen to purchase luxury goods in the next three years.

The typical Chinese consumer is less omnivorous and more attentive to quality. For this reason, Made in Italy excellences - ranging from fashion to design and food- are very much demanded in the People's Republic of China. Interestingly, the consumers buying luxury goods are mostly young (about 33 years old), cultivated and travel-lovers.

Among the Chinese consumers' pool, women are rising together will Millennials, representing a significant share of the market. With regard to the products purchased on, men mostly buy presents for their partners (mainly bags and lipsticks) but also wallets and runners. Also women usually buy bags and make up items. No surprise that most of users does quick purchases via iPhone or Android devices.

Thibault Villet - president and co-founder - has commented on the platform, portraying it as effective and "able to meet the needs of different business models, strengthening their loyalty through a constant improvement of the shopping experience".

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