Italian suggestions on where to go in 2016

The Italian magazine Dove has recently disclosed its list of the must-seen cities for 2016. Donostia-San Sebatiàn (Spain); Monaco di Baviera (Germany); Breslavia (Poland); Zurich (Switzerland) and Den Bosh (The Netherlands), make the top five, but there are also a few Italian cities in this list dominated by European destination. They are Prato (8th position), for the new Contemporary Art Museum that will open in October; Mantua (9th), as it has been nominated the Capital of Culture for 2016; Parma (13th), the new capital of Italian gastronomy; and Venice (20th).

Among non-European cities, it is worth mentioning Antalya (Turkey); Salt Lake City and Washington (US); Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); L'Avana (Cuba); Taipei (Taiwan); Abu Dhabi (UAE); Gaborone (Botswana).

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