
Blockchain replaces Bitcoin in the world of cryptocurrency

Bitcoin does not seem to be the cryptocurrency of the future anymore. The Italian Blockchain has already obtained 9 million dollars and it was included among the six technologies having a great impact on our society in the next 10 years by the World Economic Forum.

Originally created to revolutionize the payments, Blockchain has evolved in multiple ways. Today, experts speak about the fourth generation of the currency thanks to Multiversum. The latter is a brand new Blockchain which features different types of data, related in a multidimensional structure.

Not only no other available technology is able to manage data as Multiversum does, but its main aim is not even speculation. In fact, the final goal of the team of Italian developers who launched this new technology was to create relational crypto database, able to store several data useful to create complex operations.

This system is suitable for all actors, both public and private who need to deal with extremely long registers and with a great amount of complex data. Blockchain allows them to manage this data effectively, in a quick, certified, traceable and safe way.

Given the effectiveness of Blockchain, the Italian party Forza Italia headquarters in London decided to set up a partnership with Multiversum in order to create a secure mechanism using Blockchain technology to improve the voting system of Italians abroad. After all, Multiversum has an Italian heart: all members are Italians (abroad), the main headquarters are in Byelorussia while the investors come from all over the world.

Multiversum is financed through the mechanism of ICO: in exchange for virtual coins, funders receive a utility, which means that they will be able to use the crypto currency to access the services offered by Multiversum. This formula turned out to be a winning one, allowing the Italian startup to overcome the national borders and generate widespread interest for its services.