
The best Summer Concerts in Italy

If you are planning to spend your holidays in Italy and you love music, there are a couple of events that you should definitely not miss.

Among them, the 64th edition of the Puccini Festival in Viareggio, from July the 6th until August the 25th. The Festival welcomes 40.000 spectators each year to its open-air theatre. Torre del Lago is indeed one of the favourite destination for opera lovers and visitors wishing to see the places where the most beloved composer of the 20th century lived.

Pesaro is organizing the 29th edition of the famous Rossini Opera Festival. Being 2018 the year dedicated to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Rossini's death, the Rossini Opera Festival will present a particularly extensive program.

The Verona Opera Festival is another extraordinary event. From June 22nd until September 1st, opera, ballet and concert will be on stage in the breath-taking setting of the Arena di Verona.

The 18th edition of one of the most important festivals in Italy will take place starting from September 2018. The Festival Verdi Parma offers an exciting and varied program celebrating the Maestro will take place at the Regio Theatre of Parma.

The Ravello Festivalis another event that music lovers should not miss. From March to December, in the fabulous Amalfi Coast, this Festival offers a season filled with concerts set in a natural theatre with breath-taking views.

"La Notte della Taranta" is a magic night. On August the 25th, the night of the tarantula is considered Italy’s biggest music festival and one of Europe's most important events dedicated to traditional culture. It takes place in Salento and is dedicated to folk music.

Last but not least: do not miss the Caracalla Festival in Rome: from June 16th until August the 6th, the Rome Festival well-loved great operas.