
Arduino: digital innovation to boost IT education

Arduino - a world leader in open-source sheets - has recently signed an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research to enhance the Italian education system. In particular, the 3-year agreement is devoted to promote the development of digital skills among students and teachers in Italian schools. More and more technological tools will be introduced, enriching the courses with digital contents ad new learning experiences.

The agreement allows 30 Italian schools for the provision of Programme CTC 101 in 2018. CTC 101 is a modular programme for teachers and students in high schools (14-17 years old) especially conceived for the learning of STEAM subjects, such as English, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. The programme is based on interactive labs where students play a major role.

More specifically, CTC 101 includes a kit for each class up to 30 students. Each kit includes more than 700 electronic components: 6 Arduino sheets 101, 6 education shields, parts to be assembled during the experiments in class, batteries, USB cables, sensors, Led, and much more. Besides the kit, CTC 101 also provides access to the e-learning platform, 26 documented projects, distance learning for teachers (with training webinars run by Arduino experts), online material (such as tutorials and other learning tools), and support forum for both teachers and students.

During the CTC 101, students will work in teams on 26 projects based on 5 modules whose contents become progressively difficult. The modules vary from programming (Code) to educational robotics and they are all supported by online materials. The continuous interaction in didactic labs enables the students to apply theoretical concepts to real experiments making their experience unique.

Massimo Banzi, Arduino founder, has recently expressed his enthusiasm for the agreement with MIUR: "We are happy that MIUR has identified digital innovation as a priority in the field of education. But, we are also happy that MIUR has identified Arduino as a key character to approach students to coding, programming and digital literacy".

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