An alternative way to fulfil the Italian dream, in miniature

Italia in Miniature is a theme park located near Rimini showcasing all Italy's attractions, on a smaller size. This unusual miniatures park reproduces the most beautiful pieces of Italian historical, architectural and cultural heritage.

Founded more than 40 years ago, in 1970, this beautiful park welcomes every year over 500,000 people of all ages, from Italy and abroad, who are interested in organizing a comprehensive "tour" of Italy admiring all its wonders...despite their smaller size. A few years ago, the section "Europe in Miniature" was added to the park, raising to 273 the miniatures replicating minutely the architectural marvels of Italy and Europe. The entire monumental area is surrounded by more than 6,000 small trees creating a huge open-air show covering 85,000 square meters.

During the last few years, several other theme areas have been added to the park. In the new Driving School, for instance, children from 6 to 12 years old can access real driving classes and be awarded with real driving licences. Science lovers can enjoy the Science Fun Fair, an interactive laboratory of physics. Thrill lovers can feel they heart leap down the rapids on logs on Canoe, while more quiet tourists can relax on the Rainbow Monorail train.Cannonacqua is a 1:3 scale reproduction of the Malatestan Fortress in Rimini, where anybody can enjoy the excitement of taking part to a water cannons mock-battles to drench the enemy. Finally, Pala PlayStation 3 is the smashing arcade where twelve consoles are available to challenge friends to the newest games for PlayStation3, and the little ones can spend some time in the Play Stokke playground or in the DeA Kids Village, enjoying new toys and ad hoc workshops.

According to tourists, Venice is the most suggestive attraction of the park. The reproduction of the Grand Canal is a breathtaking of palace façades bridges and beauty, where there is a chance to come across Casanova while gliding along in a gondola, before getting down at Piazza San Marco.

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