The Italian winners of Sony World Photography Awards

The alleged Sony World Photography Awards (SWPA) stands as the world's biggest photography contest. It is free to enter by all photographers interested and offers as prizes $25,000 cash as well as the newest Sony imaging apparatus.

This year, the generous reward was conferred to John Moore, the US photographer who conquered the jury's hearts with his photo series Ebola Crisis Overwhelms Liberian Capital.

Nonetheless, SWPA 2015 edition had seven Italians distinguishing in different categories. Two of them were awarded with the first prize in their class. Namely, Giovanni Troilo and Riccardo Bononi.

The former is the new "People Photographer of Year". Troilo's photo "Untitled"  - belonging to the series La Ville Noir - The Dark Heart of Europe - aims at representing the collapse of Europe in terms of economy as well as morality. Willing to point out the several evils of contemporary contexts - unemployment, uncontrolled immigration, micro-criminality - the author gives a dark perspective to the whole image. Furthermore, naked subjects and gloomy faces dominate the scene, recalling spread perversity and dissipations characterizing European society.

On the other hand, Bononi is the new "Sport Photographer of Year". His picture - part of Las Valkyrias de Bolivia - was inspired by his experience within a Bolivian female prison, where he had the chance observe the life of a female convict. It gives an insight of Bolivian women's strength and vigour, far away from the old stereotype of the " weaker sex". He captures a scene of the regular Sunday fight. The interesting details concern the fact that participants are all famer women in the countryside, taking part in their traditional cloths, i.e. cholitas.

For the section Architecture, Massimo Siragusa was ranked 2nd and Antonio La Grotta got the 3rd position. Other Italians on the podium were Alessandra Bello (2nd in Arts and Culture), Annalisa Natali Murri (3rd in Contemporary History) and Giulio di Sturco (3rd in Landscapes).

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