The best of Made in Italy in 10 Selfies

Symbola Foundation, one of the most active Italian Foundation in promoting Made in Italy, has recently released a new interesting report entitled "Italy in 10 Selfies 2018".

The "10 selfies" are pictures highlighting the primacy of Italian competitiveness on international markets, by pointing out the drivers of Italian high quality (environment, design, culture) and observing the excellent performances of the single sectors where Made in Italy traditionally plays a pivotal role, i.e. food & wine, interior design, mechanics, fashion, and even the pharmaceutical sector.

In details, Selfie 1 depicts Italy as "the second nation in the world for competitiveness of productive sectors". Only after Germany, Italy is among the main actors of international trade, having a leadership position in 8 out 14 macro-productive sectors. Selfie 2 stresses the Italian outstanding performances in Europe regarding "the effective use of resources in the production processes". Italian production process is among the most innovative and environment-friendly around the world.

Selfie 3 is connected with the second and puts in evidence how Italian devotion to sustainability has led to the creation of "3 million green jobs, representing 13,1% of employed people". In 2017 only, there have been almost 320.000 new hires, with a particular focus on project management and research & development. Selfie 4 tells us that "design strengthens made in Italy": the impact of design turnover on national economy is 0,15%, almost double the average of the European Union (0,09%).

Selfie 5 focuses on "culture, beauty and creativity", stressing that they are worth 16,7% of national GDP. Selfies from 6 to 10 put in evidence Italian primacy on specific productive sectors: food & wine (Selfie 6), pharmaceutics (Selfie 7), wooden furniture (Selfie 8), machinery (Selfie 9), and fashion (Selfie 10).

Ermete Realacci, President of Symbola Foundation, has also stressed that "Italy is made up of many companies, communities, people, associations and institutions all bond together by ambition and quality... this is Italy that makes 'Italy'", intended as the excellent made in Italy well-known around the world.

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