The best Italian restaurants in Doha

It seems that more and more places around the world can offer an authentic Italian experience. Now it is the turn of Doha, where eleven Italian restaurants have just received the prestigious Ospitalità Italiana Diploma, a recognition given to the best and most authentic Italian restaurants worldwide.

"Ospitalità Italiana - Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo" is a worldwide project conceived by the Italian Republic's institution Unioncamere with the support of IS.NA.R.T., another institution focused on promoting tourism, and the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.

The project, officially launched in 2009, is aimed at selecting the Italian restaurants abroad that can ensure the quality standards that are typical of the world-renowned Italian hospitality. When one of these restaurants is identified, it is awarded with the so called "Golden Q", the Ospitalità Italiana label of Quality.

Among the assets a restaurant has to offer to qualify for the award are: 50 per cent of traditional Italian dishes and recipes on the menu; at least one person able to relate with customers in Italian; the wine list must contain Italian PDO or PGI wines not less than 30%; the restaurant must offer for the dressing only Italian extra virgin olive oil; and chefs must be qualified and previously trained in Italian restaurants.

In Doha, Porcini, La Piazza, Antica Pesa, La Spiga, Paper Moon, La Cucina, Italia Mia, Di Capri, Carluccio's, Lo Spaghetto and Nonna Zanon are the restaurants that have just been welcome to a selection of more than 1,700 restaurants located in 54 different countries.

The Italian Ambassador Guido de Sanctis explained that "in Italy, the restaurants that are awarded this diploma are considered the best, and Italians tend to choose restaurants that bear this symbol at the entrance when travelling abroad", but the impression is that thanks to the award, these restaurants will soon become a must not only for Italians, rather to foreigners looking for an authentic Italian culinary experience in Doha.

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