The Art of Restoring a Lake

Lakes are usually viewed from far, admired for its beauty or at times used to take a dip. Have we every wondered beyond that what a lake stands for and why it is important not just for you and me but for several other life forms.

It is important to note that the lake is much more than just a body of standing water. It helps in Temperature Regulation, Ground Water Stabilization and Above all home to amphibians, reptiles and fresh water aquatic life forms.

Every lake story is similar, it starts with a beautiful waterbody until mankind moves closer to it. Starting from swimming in the lake to releasing effluents from home to industry we do it all to ensure that what was given to us as heaven is converted into hell. We can no longer afford to exploit and abuse our water bodies, as we are at a cruicial juncture in the history of mankind where water borne diseases are sharply increasing and the availability of Fresh Water is harder to find than Crude Oil. We have enough water yet without proper means of managing it we are over paying for every drop that we drink. Not just about us, the wild animals and the stray are thoroughly dehydrated because the only species with access to water these days is mostly the Human kind.

Being educated and having understood so many things in life, it is time we used our hat racks to think about thirsty animals and their needs too. Not long from now will probably come a day when we desperately work overtime towards reviving our water bodies. Before its too late, lets begin to respect, reclaim and restore our Water Bodies.