Novamont and the art of producing plastic materials from renewable sources

Last week, Novamont unveiled the first product made from 4th generation Mater-Bi, its innovative line of biodegradable and compostable bioplastics. The new production is based on a top-end and eco-friendly technology that will make it possible to produce plastic materials from renewable sources: vegetable oil and fermented sugars. The production will originate an extremely low level of greenhouse gas emissions and the new materials will be almost fully renewable.  They can be used for a wide range of applications, including flexible and rigid films and coatings and even for printing.

Related investments amount to around ?300 million, and they will include the establishment of two plants in Italy, in Porto Torres (near Sassari) and Bottrighe (near Rovigo), where old industrial site already exists and are going to be re-developed. They will be the first of their kind anywhere in the world. "As well as confirming our leading position in low environmental impact technologies and products, today's announcement marks an important milestone in our long-term strategy for developing proprietary technologies applied to declining industrial sites. In Europe these sites can become catalysts for the regeneration of areas which are currently facing serious difficulties, as part of a regional development model with local roots and a global vision", said Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont. The new technologies represent "a real opportunity for Italy and for Europe", she added.

Novamont is a Italian chemical company based in Novara and specialized in bioplastics. Created in the Nineties by Montedison Group, it focussed on producing materials form maize, grain and potatoes and on an intense research activity. Novamont's most popular productions are used for renewable shopping bags. Its leading role in chemicals confirms the traditional strong position of Italian industries in this field.

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