Italian new graduates' dream: permanent contract jobs

Bank clerk, railwayman, employee of the national institutions..

Though they live in the digital era and in a world which is continuously changing and bowed down by crisis, Italian new graduates have the same ambitions their parents and granparents had: their dream is not working as freelance professionals or starting up their own entrepreneural activity, but rather a permanent contract job, better if in a bank or in a State company.

This is the result of a Cesop (Employer Branding company) survey on a sample of 2,500 young Italian graduates.

Among the 153 companies overviewed there are the main entrepreneural realities of Italy in all sectors: industrial, financial, media, chemical-pharmaceutical, consulting, large consumption goods, computers, fashion.

The company young Italians seem to like the most is Eni, Italy's largest oil and gas company, first in the list for now over three years.

The second favourite is Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian State Railway Company), while BNL bank goes down to the 14th place.

Among the top five there are Apple, the company that produces Iphones and Ipads, Bank of Italy, Google and Mondadori , the publishing house that publishes

Unicredit, the first Italian bank, occupies the sixth place, followed by Intesa San Paolo Bank, pharmaceutical company Novartis and consumption goods company Unilever..

At the eighth place there we find Ferrero the company that produces the Nutella chocolate, followed by Enel (the Italian electric utility company,) Poste Italiane ( the postal service company of Italy) and Benetton.

All in all Italian young graduates are not yet attracted by a position in a start up, the dream is still the big company.

A big company, in fact offers more benefits, higher wages and more solid contracts.