Guglielmo Castelli: an icon of contemporary art

According to the prestigious American magazine Forbes, Guglielmo Castelli is one of the "10 most influential young people in the European artistic scene".

Guglielmo was born in Turin in 1987 and he still lives and works in his city of origin. His training was provided by the Accademia Albertina (Turin) and later went to the Macro (the Museum of Contemporary Art) in Rome. Guglielmo's works of art have soon overcome the national borders, being displayed at the Ron Lang Art Gallery (Amsterdam) and at the MAMC, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, (Saint-Étienne Métropole). Castelli's masterpieces are located besides the works of great artists such as Hermann Nitsch, Dennis Oppenheim and Gianni Dessi, just to quote some.

Guglielmo Castelli stands out as one of the most creative people under 30 in the world. When looking at the richness of his career - in spite of his young life - his great flexibility and multiple skills stand out as two relevant characteristics of the Italian artist. He was able to move from one sector of activity to another - from children's books and then fashion -before stopping in the world of contemporary art. This world captured him holistically: "I don't have a plan B, as the poet Guido Catalano said, I only have one plan which is art", Guglielmo is used to say.

Castelli's art is very unique: characterized by evanescent representations, almost oneiric. When looking at his works, the observer gets the perception that they are still becoming, it is a work in progress that goes with the life flow and the perpetual hamletic dilemma of "to be or not to be". All Castelli's works of art communicate a sense of waiting, characters representing metaphors of existential unease and of precariousness characterizing present times.

While being enthusiastic about Forbes acknowledgement, Guglielmo Castelli has not lost his humility, promoting it as one of the essential elements for those who want to undertake this career, together with "a lot of hard work and irony".

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