Domenico Arcuri explains how to build a new Italy

In quality of Invitalia Chief Executive Officer- the national agency for investment promotion and enterprise development, partner of Italian Government - Domenico Arcuri has expressed all his concern towards Italian economic situation. During an interview with the Huffington Post, Mr Arcuri has conveyed all his disappointment for Italy's poor performance in GDP growth compared to other European countries. The crisis in Italy is more severe than in other areas and the growth rhythm is tremendously slow.

The Italian CEO has carefully analysed a number of causes, highlighting what in his opinion is the key one, i.e. the lack of a sustainable model of development. The politicians - Mr Arcuri remarks - were not able to look forward, to imagine a leadership role for the "Bel Paese" within the European Union. The aim was not to live all these changes playing an active role but to survive as a passive recipient.

Furthermore, Mr Arcuri has identified some of the striking problems of Italian economic system. In particular, bureaucracy is a huge obstacle in terms of time and practices to launch a new business and run it. Secondly, youngsters exclusion from the job market. As a matter of fact, the youth unemployment rate in the South has risen to a shocking 41,7%.

During the interview, Mr Arcuri suggested a new sustainable development model, which would let companies innovate, export, finance, invest and hire. The Italian CEO pointed out the need for the state to take a "step back" reducing all the bureaucratic obstacles, which hinders the effective companies performances in the markets. At the same time, he suggested the state should also take a "step forward", directly contributing to the national GDP increase. Another fundamental part of Mr Arcuri's strategy is to foster youth inclusion in the job market. As a powerful resource, Italy should benefit from them without living them aside. Mr Arcuri made himself clear, calling for the necessity to break with the traditions and take a new path.

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