Enel and Renault unveil an innovative electric mobility integration solution
Rome, March 16th, 2012 - Enel and Renault have taken another step towards
developing e-mobility. Thanks to the interaction between the respective control systems,
a sophisticated model of dialogue between electric car and charging infrastructure kicks
off. The new service, integrated with the Renault Carminat TomTom Z.E. Live navigation
system, indicates to the customer in real time the location of the 3 Enel charging points
closest to its position and information on their availability. The customer may be so
driven to an available point charge in all serenity.
The new feature available on Renault electric cars for monitoring Enel's public charging
station network is a first example of an integrated solution that will enable a wide range
of services. In the future, drivers will be able to reserve a charging station, determine
the most effective way to manage charges and maximize the use of renewable power.
In the integration system developed by Enel and Renault charging stations are managed
within the smart grid system in order to offer new generation electric vehicles a series of
innovative services already in use in smart distribution grids. And electric cars contribute
to the same smart grids by taking advantage of opportunities now possible with the new
electricity distribution network.
The Enel-Renault partnership sees the two companies also engaged in the development
shortly of a fast charge system using 43 kW alternating current (AC) power. Tested by
mid-2012 for a successive introduction into the market, the system will allow to do a fast
charge of 80% of the battery in approximately 30 minutes on electric vehicles able to
handle such levels of power in AC. Enel in turn will set up this first charging stations that
will represent a new charging solution on the world stage and a reference standard for
public fast charge.
The fast charge will be available firstly on Renault ZOE, 100% electric city car that will
be launched in late 2012 and later on Renault Fluence Z.E. and Renault Kangoo Z.E.