Venice celebrates Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi is the famous Venetian composer (1678-1741) who wrote The Four Seasons, among the most performed and recorded pieces ever. He composed almost 600 concertos, operas and sonatas. He inspired countless composers from Bach to rock, rap and heavy metal artists.

Priest, producer, expert violinist, composer and educator Who really was Antonio Vivaldi? An insane inspired man? One of the first big music stars? Who were the girls of the Pietà for whom he composed with passion transforming them into musicians and artists? These are the questions that the new exhibition organized in Venice (May 13th - Dec 2018) is trying to answer with the great show: "Viva Vivaldi -The Four Seasons Mystery".

This incredible show tells the story of both the human and artistic personality of this visionary genius and his extraordinary composing skills. The show represents a new, unique, sensorial and musical experience in the heart of Venice: a video-mapping indoor show made of immersive HD images, surround sound and scent special effects. Images come to life and enliven the architecture of the rooms according to the music, creating an enormous fresco made of signs, forms and colours.

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