The lush nature of Molise, in Italy

Molise is a very small region in central Italy that treasures a lot of amenities. In this region the influence of Croatian culture is very strong. In fact, on the other hand of the Adriatic Sea runs the coastline of Croatia. A suggested itinerary is that between the two parallel-running rivers of Biferno and Trigno, where the cities of Guglionesi and Montecilfone are centres of Croatian traditions. Moreover, in Guglionesi you can also visit the beautiful church Santa Maria Maggiore. Here you can see some rare arts pieces and arches with frescos. Another church worth visiting is that of San Giorgio Martire with its characteristic cusp on the bell tower that is covered in majolicas.

In the area called Matese you will encounter a hilly territory with the highest peak being Mount Miletto at 2050m of height.  In the same area you cannot miss the Stone Forest in Campitello Matese. It is a forest of beech trees growing among stones that create a corner of nature with a unique atmosphere. Here, during the summer there are often classical music concerts and other cultural events. For more naturalistic experiences you can go visit the WWF oasis in Guardiaregia-Campochiaro, where you can see some interesting attractions such as the canyon of Quirino, the waterfalls of San Nicola and some of the deepest abysses in Europe.

A must in this region is to travel on the local train from Isernia to Sulmona. It is operated by local entities and runs one Sunday every month. There are only two hundred and fifty places available and on board you can taste some traditional dishes from Molise while listening to some folk music. The itinerary for the day consists in a return trip from Isernia to Sulmona. Between these two cities, the train stops in many small villages.

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