The Italian art of Pizza al Taglio

It is normal to think about Pizza al taglio (or sliced pizza) as a simple food to go, but things are changing and sliced pizza is becoming a gourmet food in Italy.

Mr Renato Bosco is a great protagonist of high quality sliced pizza. He is a "pizza researcher" because he continually studies doughs and makes a lot of experiments in order to achieve a perfect product. Mr Bosco opened up a takeaway restaurant (Pizzadarè) close to Verona eight years ago. Initially only a takeaway place, the restaurant soon gave birth to two other places. The uniqueness of Bosco's pizzas are the ingredients: only mother yeast and high-quality products on top. Mr Bosco has also experimented several varieties, such as the crunchy pizza, the one without yeast and the vegan one.

Another exclusive pizza place is called Lo Spicchio, whose managers are Roberto eFiorella Ghisolfi. There are five different kinds of doughs and the great innovation of this place is that the customer will finalise the pizza cooking at his own place, granting a hot and beautiful pizza, ready to be eaten. Furthermore, Lo Spicchio also sells his doughs to clients, who can then have fun at home making their own pizzas.

La Divina Pizza is in Florence and it is definitely worth to be mentioned. Monogrammi family runs this place, making their pizzas only with stone ground flours and mother yeast. Ingredients to put on the top are limited, high quality and only seasonal vegetables are used.

Last but not least, Gabriele Bonci in his Pizzarium (Rome) was the first one to use organic flours in his dough, suggesting a revolutionary pizza ten years ago. Bonci is today a very well-known name in Italy also with regard to bread. In fact, Mr Bonci has opened up a Bakery called "Panificio Bonci Backerei" in partnership with Roberta Pezzella he makes an exclusive bread.

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