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Sillabe di Seta: the new association promoting cultural exchange between Italy and China

Sillabe di Seta” (Silk Syllables) is a new cultural association having the goal of strengthening the cultural and educational activities between Italy and China. The specific focus of the association is on students, who receive a substantial support according to their specific talents.

The idea of creating such an association was originated by the Convitto Nazionale di Roma, a prestigious school representing an excellent hub for the study of Chinese language in Italy. Every year the students reach a high degree of linguistic and cultural preparation and their commitment to the study of Chinese represents a substantial pillar of what has been built so far in terms of collaboration and cultural exchanges between China and Italy.

As a result, the school represents the heart of the association together with the parents, the former students and the institutional bodies interested in supporting the intercultural exchange between Italy and China. This support will allow more and more young people to continue their studies along the New Silk Road in very inspiring contexts. This unique chance can also pave the way to new professional job environments.

More specifically, the association Sillabe di Seta wants to promote some specific initiatives including exchange of didactic, linguistic and cultural experiences not only concerning the students but also the teachers. In fact, their mobility is strongly encouraged as an essential part of the programme. The association is also engaged in fostering specific periods of stay in the form of didactic and cultural holidays – both individually and in a group – to the Italian students to visit China and to Chinese students to visit Italy.

The association promotes school-work alternation projects in Italy and in China together with university coaching in both countries. Lastly, Sillabe di seta is also committed to promote the cooperation between educational institutions.