Italy joins Thaifex to promote national Food Industry in Southeast Asia

According to data and statistics, Italian Food industry has a promising future in terms of development, internal expansion, and export-led growth. These dynamics were further proved by the astonishing results achieved by the latest edition of Cibus in Parma and by Italian participation to "Thaifex - World of Food" in Bangkok.

This prestigious Bangkok fair is considered the best place from where to approach the whole Southeast Asian market. This is the reason why a group of Italian institutions including Cibus, Anuga - Koelnmesse Italia, Federalimentare and the Italian Trade Commission set up a 1.000 square meters "Italian Area" where to welcome fifty national companies such as Inalca, Sterilgarda, Grissin Bon, Noberasco, Zanetti,  Bakery,  Bresaole Pini, Ambrosi, Ariola Vigne, Faled Distillerie, Molino Grassi. The result? An estimated 2.3 per cent growth in future trade.

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