How to launch Italian startups on the international market

Three Italian Business Angels, Polo Anselmo, Dario Caleffi and Luca Canepa, together with Angelo Bonissoni, CBA managing partner, have recently founded Ban-Up SPA, the first Italian company entirely devoted to startups' internationalization. The newly born company stands out as a great mixture between the several competences of its founders, i.e. managerial, entrepreneurial, fiscal and legal skills. The latter is very much needed, especially when it is time to elaborate the society's constitution, contracts and patents protection.

Ban-Up will provide consultancy to innovative startups, facilitating their growth and their establishment on the international market, by means of skilled professionals' assistance and an international support network. The latter is mostly made up by law experts and important companies based in the UK. Ban-Up offers consultancy to entrepreneurs for any phase of their business, through an ad hoc team, assembled according to the particular need of the company. The aim is always the one of making the assisted companies established on the international scene, equipping them with the right know-how and an effective strategy.

Furthermore, thanks to Ban-Up's key partner Epic Sim SPA, startups will have the chance to post their project ideas on an online platform, working as a private investment community. On this virtual space, professional investors (private and public) can explore the initiatives and decide whether to finance them. Also the use of fintech platform makes the dialogue time between investors and companies more simple, fluid and continuous.

This acceleration tool was particularly conceived for Italian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which constitute the foundations of Italian economy. On this subject, Marco Nannini (Ban-Up's president) has commented, stating, "One of the core goals of the company is to connect Italian SMEs and young startups to innovation within an international dimension." Furthermore, Ban-Up's President has stressed the need to involve in this project the relevant business accelerators and incubators order to support companies as best as they can.

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