Fabbrica Center

Discovering Italian best social practices

Fabbrica Centre is the new social cultural village created in Bollate (Milan) to host several productive activities aimed at employing vulnerable people, especially those affected by handicaps, psychologic disorders, convicts, drug addicts and foreign non-accompanied minors. The Centre will offer jobs, training and integration to vulnerable people within a very friendly environment characterized by music, fun and solidarity.

This project was launched by the social co-op Fabbrica dei Segni, a no-profit body established in 1987 to promote the entrance of disadvantaged people in the job market. The organization carries out a flourishing editorial activity counting more than 300 published books mainly focused on students affected by cognitive disorders. After four years of bureaucratic procedures, this project finally received the approval by Bollate Municipality in May 2018. The works will last until summer 2019, when the beginning of all activities is scheduled.

The 3.000 square metres of the Centre will host several activities. First, the homonymous publishing house with more books, new labs and services for local schools and students. Seven rehearsal spaces will host musicians, schools and artists to carry on their passion for music at all stages of their career; a brewery will produce 8 new beers under the label Mosaic with innovative recipes by skilled brewmasters and arestaurants where enjoy delicious dishes and pizza.

The Centre will also have a bike garage and services for children and elderly to communicate and meet, characterized by the newest technologies. Although these activities do not seem to be related, they are extremely worthy given the great variety of vulnerable subjects they employ. Fabbrica Centre will work as a real school of professions where people who have not been part of the job market for a long time and for different reasons can start their professional life again, enriching their local community and respecting the environment.