CioccolaTo' 2014: the Ideal Venue for Chocolate Gourmands!

The city of Turin will host the eleventh edition of CioccolaTò 2014 from November 21st until the 30th. Particularly focusing on Piedmont artisan chocolatier tradition,it stands as a unique event dedicated to Italian and international chocolate.

The core venue will be Piazza San Carlo, also known as "Turin's salon". Visitors will have the chance to enjoy a number of activities. Firstly, the exclusive SPAChoco Farm will provide free body treatments based on chocolate. Secondly, there will be recreational and educational activities for children. Worth mentioning is the Little Chocolate Bakers Lab where kids from primary school can have fun being involved in backing delicious chocolate biscuits. Not to miss is the Chocolate Show, a big chocolate emporium hosting 4,000 different products presented by 80 Italian and international companies. Moreover, selected areas will be dedicated to what is called "the Boutique" - with an accurate selection for the most refined palate, and Equochocolate as chocolate fair-trading.

CioccolaTò 2014 is a wonderful opportunity to learn about chocolate from every perspective by meetings with experts in the sector, free guided tastings, cultural activities, entertainment and much more.

Not everybody knows that Turin has been considered the chocolate capital of Italy for almost 400 years. In 1559, Duke Emmanuel Philibert brought to his ancestral castle in Piedmont the first seeds of cacao, which then spread throughout Italy. In addition, Turin is famous throughout Italy and abroad thanks to the Gianduiotto chocolate sort. As a matter of fact, during the event, there will be the Gianduiotto Day aimed at improving the knowledge of the prelibatesse, its preparation and all the Maitres Chocolatiers' secrets.

Lastly, public and private relevant actors, i.e. Turin Municipality, Regione Piemonte, Unioncamere Piemonte, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Confartigianato and Confcommercio, have accurately organized the exhibition in order to make it an international success.

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