Apple opens up a Development Centre in Naples

Naples will host the Development Centre for IOS Apps in Europe. It will be the first structure of the kind within the European territory and the second in the world. In fact, a similar one was opened in Brazil while a third one is about to be launched in Indonesia.

As reported by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Tim Cook - Apples' CEO - has publicly declared, "Europe is the homeland of some of the most creative developers in the world" and therefore the company is happy to train new young professionals. For this reason, the centre will support teachers and will work as a specialized hub for feature professionals.

Matteo Renzi  - Italy's Prime Minister - has also welcomed the initiative with enthusiasm, envisaging 600 new work positions. The centre will work with all its Italian partners, active in the field of training for young developers with the aim of creating new opportunities for students. Furthermore, Apple's apps are a magnificent source of income considering that only during Christmas 2015 users have spent 1,009 billion Euros in apps. This is certainly a new record.

Furthermore, Apple has provided 1,4 billion jobs across Europe and "offers opportunities to people of all ages and companies of every size", Tim Cook proudly added during his speech. In fact, thanks to its complex network, Apple is able to create partnerships with the most diverse suppliers, such as hardware, software, and researchers, along with the productive and supply chain.

Finally, it goes without saying that Apple plays a pivotal role in the commodity transformation of physical devices, moving more and more towards the digital world, requiring a constant technological development. All the big names of the field - i.e. Google, Microsoft, Samsung - have never stopped investing on research, trying to position their products on the top list.

Apple is confirming its nature of a company interested in promoting innovations in places where conditions are favourable to that, and Italians can be proud to have their homeland among them.

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