A Few Reasons behind Italian Managers’ Success

Any times Forbes publishes one of its ranking, it is difficult to see many Italian companies in their top 50s. However, the Italian daily Corriere della Sera has recently noticed a sharp increase in the number of Italian managers within outperforming companies.

Ten of the 50 most successful companies in the world have an Italian manager. Among them, Antonio Belloni (Lvmh), Mainardo de Nardis (Omd Worldwide Group), Massimo Tosato (Schroders), Francesco Vanni D'Archirafi (Citigroup), Andrea Rossi (Axa Investments).  Accroding to head hunters, Italian managers are usually appreciated for their ability to manage very complex situations and to face challenges and unexpected difficulties with a very useful straightforward approach. At the moment, young Italian manager are even more appreciated, as they are able to combine the attitudes of their senior colleagues with a much broader open-mindedness.

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