Street Art knocks the door of Italian Factories
The new INWARD project combining art and innovation
INWARD, the Italian Urban Creativity Observatory, has launched a new project aimed at filling Italian factories with beauty and art. The Observatory has a long-term experience in urban creativity under several forms, i.e. graffiti writing, urban design and street art. INWARDS does not discriminate between the public, private and No Profit and International sector, collaborating with all of them indistinctly. At the same time, INWARDS operates through the operative units provided by national authorities, universities, artists, companies, organizations, which increase the job of the permanent platforms of Italian Graffiti, Inopinatum, Streetness, DoTheWriting!, CUNTO e Urban Creativity Alliance.
The name of the initiative is #StreetArtFactory, which will also be implemented in warehouses and construction sites. The Street Art phenomenon is still little known in Italy, nevertheless this sector employs almost a thousand people falling into the following categories, i.e. artists, marketing consultants, art experts, events and communication managers and art dealers.
Street Art is an immediate way to give voice to everyone's characteristics, worthy to be shared. Several Italian companies have already chosen the Street Art as a way to tell their story, to re-present their products and also to better fit with the urban landscape they are surrounded by.
#StreetArtFactory INWARD aims at promoting this new charming form of art also in the productive sector. A couple of years ago, INWARD supported street art with the Italian municipalities. The result of this promotional campaign is the current supervision of having 154 municipalities, 266 projects and 20 festivals.
Roberto Race, project coordinator, commented on the initiative defining it the choice of "illuminated entrepreneurs, who want their factories to be a model where creativity and beauty can exist together with industrial innovation and tradition." Overall, the leadership of the project highlighted the nature of #StreetArtFactory as defining the new eco-friendly factory projected in the future.
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