Tax incentives for innovative start up

Tax incentives for innovative start up

Italy has approved a new taxation scheme to boost innovation

Italy has just approved a new law aimed at promoting investments for innovative start up. Both people and companies can benefit from the new taxation scheme, although they have to guarantee to provide fresh capitals to the start up they want to support for at least two years.

Incentives have been placed at an average of 19/20 per cent tax credit, but for those interested in supporting highly innovative and social projects the allowed deduction can reach 25 or even 27 per cent.

At the moment, 1792 innovative start up are registered in Italy, and it is realistic to imagine that their number will soon start raising even further.

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Claudia Astarita

Amo l'Asia in (quasi) tutte le sue sfaccettature, ecco perché cerco di trascorrerci più tempo possibile. Dopo aver lavorato per anni come ricercatrice a New Delhi e Hong Kong, per qualche anno osserverò l'Oriente dalla quella che è considerata essere la città più vivibile del mondo: Melbourne. Insegno Culture and Business Practice in Asia ad RMIT University,  Asia and the World a The University of Melbourne e mi occupo di India per il Centro Militare di Studi Strategici di Roma. Su Twitter mi trovate a @castaritaHK, via email a

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